
Since we were established in 1947, we have been a family-orientated church, seeking to love and follow Jesus, where all are welcome, from the youngest to the oldest.

The central point of our life together is our Sunday worship at 10.30am.  

 We meet in person, but please contact us if you'd like to join us virtually for one of our services.

If you've got any questions, please contact Annie Somerville - office@westburybaptist.org.uk or call 

0117 962 9990 

Sunday Mornings

As well as donating to support the work of the church, each month we support different Christian organisations.  


During February, our charity donations will be given to 'A Rocha', the  UK’s Eco Church programme which equips churches in England and Wales to care for creation.

Each week we are recording our services and putting these on our YouTube channel -  please go here to listen to recent services or you can click on the link below to view the most recent service,. You can also go to the All talks page to find and listen to older services

Sunday 23rd February - 10.30 morning service